List your Location facilitates the listing of your potential or existing locations for EV charging points that you would want to lease, sell, lease partly or revenue share. This provides you with an opportunity to list your locations and match you with EV Charging Point Operators (CPOs) and EV charging infrastructure investors so you can:

Benefits of Listing your Property

The benefits of electrifying your parking bay/parking lot, leasing out existing EV charging capacity or upgrading your existing EV charging equipment are many. Some of the benefits are:

  • 1Makes your property an attractive destination for EV owners
  • 2Generates income through lease, sale, revenue share
  • 3Capital expenditure can be borne by the EV CPO or EV charging infrastructure investor
  • 4Makes your property future-ready for the growing number of EVs
  • 5Maximises income from the EV charging asset when it is not needed by you
  • 6Helps to decarbonise the transport helping with Net Zero targets

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