® – Online marketplace for the Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Ecosystem is a business-to-business marketplace for all stakeholders in the Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure (EVCI) ecosystem, developed by Vahanomy. A place where commercial property owners, charge point operators, infrastructure investors, fleet operators, service providers and electric vehicle charging equipment vendors are broughttogether to be matched at the same location. facilitates the trading of locations, products and services as well as providing supply and demand insights into the EVCI space.

Are you a property owner?
Discover the true value of your locations by listing your properties and/or parking spaces for conversion to EV charging points and get matched with Charging Point Operators and EV infrastructure investors.

Are you a charging point operator, EV infrastructure investor or fleet operator?
Save time and resources by discovering locations ready for electrification. List your demand for locations you require for charging points. Find service providers and product vendors locally where you need them.

Are you a EVSE product vendor or service provider?
List your products or services for the EV charging infrastructure ecosystem and get easily discovered by CPOs and EV infrastructure investors in your geography of operation.

Users of ® marketplace for the EV charging infrastructure ecosystem include the following:

REGISTER NOW on Vahanomy’s ® online marketplace.

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