Gilesgate, Durham close to ESSO garage
Gilesgate, Durham close to ESSO garage
Gilesgate, Durham close to ESSO garage
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Gilesgate, Durham close to ESSO garage
This listing has been viewed 622 times
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leaseAvailable For Leaserevenue_shareAvailable For Revenue Share
Property Features
  • Kerb side
  • Driveway
  • Front of the property
  • Open parking
  • Ground floor
Property Description

Space for 3 cars are being made available by the landlord who owns the adjacent building. A paved location off the A181 is available to set up electric vehicle charging infrastructure at 108-109 Gilesgate, Durham DH1 1JA. T

The site is located near the town centre and 50 meters from an ESSO garage and is 0.3 miles from the A690 roundabout. There are retail and food outlets in the vicinity making the site attractive.

The landlord would like to explore a lease or revenue share by an operator who will set up and operate a fully funded EVCI. They are open to other options suggested by the operator.

More Property Features
  • Paved surface

  • Open parking access

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